Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Linear Income - income receive by employees every 15th and 30th of the Month Requires 100% effort from you because NO WORK, NO PAY.

Residual Income – income earned by the likes of Henry Sy, Lucio Tan and Gokongwei. The have the same God-given allotment of 24 hours as the rest of us, but not only do they WORK HARD, they also WORK SMART. Their efforts are duplicated by the thousands of workers under their employ, from the highest directors to the lowliest employee in their respective companies. In GPRS, duplication, and hence residual income, is the KEY to SUCCESS.

This is all about getting rich and earning income through business. It's easy and it's being done. Easy doesn't mean no work.  Of course, becoming rich and staying rich involve work. Hard work. But it's only difficult the first time and for a limited period of time. Then it becomes easy. 

Close your eyes  for a moment and imagine yourself enjoying life to the max. No more worries about finances, job lay-offs, horrible bosses, or being stuck in traffic for hours everyday. Imagine living your life as it should be lived. Enjoy your hobbies, past times and family life. Travel where you like, when you like, and with whom you like.  If you feel goosebumps and a spine tingling sensation just thinking of what life with financial freedom means, then congratulations! Chances are, your DREAMS are still very much alive. 

It is not our fault if we are born poor. The problem lies when we die and yet we are still wanting. Life is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. Welcome to Global Pinoy Remittance and Services!